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Job Opportunites at iStudentCity
We need your talent, no matter where you are from.

Position: Campus Representative
  • Implement our domestic, on-campus marketing plan
  • Distribute promotional materials on-campus
  • Collect regional data for website
  • Create a presence of iStudentCity on your campus
  • Be creative, and have some fun with this!
  • Lively, energetic person with great communication skills
  • Outgoing, friendly demeanor
  • Experience with international communities a plus
Location: On-campus

Position: Internet Marketing Manager
Description: Develop and implement marketing initiatives. Manage and coordinate multiple teams to develop local marketing plan for each country. Self-starter, ability to motivate others, ability to communicate ideas clearly, detail-oriented.
Qualifications: MBA or equivalent. 5+ years of marketing experience. Must have extensive experience in international communities or be an international student him/herself. F-1 students must have employment authorization from the INS. Good understanding of the Internet and e-commerce. Annual salary plus stock options.
Submit your resume and cover letter via e-mail to [email protected] or fax (310)347-4479.

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