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Alternative Penny Savers: 10-10 Numbers
10-10 numbers | Long Distance Carriers

10-10 numbers, like 10-10-220 or 10-10-345, offer the second cheapest rates for long distance services, after phone cards. They allow you to make a call by first dialing the toll free 10-10 number and then dialing the number you are trying to reach. 10-10 numbers differ from prepaid phone cards by charging after you call, through your regular monthly phone bill. Unlike using phone cards, you will need to pay taxes for calls made using 10-10 numbers.

Price comparisons for 10-10 numbers:

10-10PhoneRates.com provides a price comparison of the major 10-10 number providers. Check it out and write down the 10-10 numbers that provide you with the best rate on calls to your home country. It's convenient! And you can save a lot of money!

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