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Scholarships are not only for American students. Try these sites for scholarship search for international students.
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Scholarship Search

Education in the U.S. is expensive. Many international students will seek some type of aid to help with tuition and expenses. However, the number of qualified international students competing for these resources is far greater than the number of available scholarships. The following links are provided to help make that search a little easier.

International Education Financial Aid (IEFA)
IEFA provides a database that searches for scholarships based on your field of study. Once you find an award that you qualify for, you contact the agency for more information using the contact information listed in the database

List of Awards for International Undergraduates
Check this out! a list of awards from 121 colleges specifically for international students

The United States Department of State is the principal administrator of the Fulbright Program worldwide.

The Rotary Foundation
is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs.
The ASEAN Student Assistance Awards Program is a public-private partnership, providing scholarships to students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities.

Scholarship for Study Abroad Database for international Study and Travel Center
Use online database of scholarships for study abroad. We have tried to find scholarships which are intended for or commonly given to undergraduates attending study abroad programs.

AT&T Asia Leadership Awards
Students from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, India, and Australia (who have an I-20 or an IAP 66 dated 2000) are invited to apply for AT&T's Asian Leadership Awards worth $5,000 per student. Deadline is 15 September 2000.

provides students with all the basic facts about financial aid and ways to find aid.

General Sites for College Scholarships
Helping Over 6 Million Students Find Scholarships, Colleges and Jobs! Membership (free) is required to search the available scholarship.

Free Scholarship Search
FreSch! has a database of over 2,000 organizations and foundations that offer scholarships, representing approximately 169,000 awards. They also provide tips on finding other scholarships.

Scholaraid & Student Advantage, Inc.
This is an additional resource for advice and information on finding scholarships. It has a database of over 2.5 million awards worth over $21.6 billion.

Ecard - Private Offers Group
Scholarship Alert! 
We've found some scholarships for you. Don't miss the chance. Prepare to apply here.
Ecard - Private Offers Group

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